99f0b496e7 Government 2.0. Government 2.0 or Gov 2.0 refers to government policies that aim to harness collaborative technologies and interactive Internet tools to create an . Robert Muellers team has taken over the investigation of Guccifer 2.0, . with the governments Guccifer . 2.0s last blog post, from Jan. 12, . The FCC's E-rate program connects the nation's schools and libraries to broadband. It is the government's largest educational technology program. 5 Lessons from Gov 2.0 How the Open Government Directive has shaped states and localities. In my client conversations about government 2.0, people seem to be giving for granted that there is an electronic version of government 1.0 (what used to be called e-government) that
Government 2.0 12
Updated: Dec 11, 2020